User's Manual

Service Calling System User Manual----English Version
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3.5 Function Keys Description
[WATER] (SC2X) / [Water] (SC1X)
[WATER] / [Water]: The customer needs to refill water, tea, and the like.
The service code is 1.
If press [WATER] / [Water], customers’ refill demands will be converted to the
service code 1 which will be displayed on the display device. Meanwhile, the table
number is also showed on the display device.
For example, the customer of Table No.306 press the key [WATER] / [Water], the
display device will show ‘306.1’.
[CALL] (SC2X) / [Call] (SC1X)
[CALL] / [Call]: The customer needs services.
The service code is 2.
If press [CALL] / [Call], services demands will be converted to the service code 2
which will be displayed on the display device. Meanwhile, the table number is also
showed on the display device.
For example, the customer of Table No.306 press the key [CALL] / [Call], the display
device will show ‘306.2’.
[BILL] (SC2X) / [Bill] (SC1X)
[BILL] / [Bill]: The customer wants to check out.
The service code is 3.
If press key [BILL] / [Bill], checkout demands will be converted to the service code 3
which will be displayed on the display device. Meanwhile, the table number is also
showed on the display device.
For example, the customer of Table No.306 press the key [BILL] / [Bill], the display