Product Description

7. Common faults and precautions
Device cannot connect to network
Check that the gateway is powered up to ensure ZETA signal
coverage is in place
Check the detection cycle, if it is offline after a proper connection,
even if the gateway is properly powered up, you still need to wait
for the detection cycle to arrive before you can complete the
connection, at this point you can initiate the connection via a
button restart, which is the fastest means
Check the power level reported on the last platform to see if
there is a possibility of low battery
Battery power drops badly
Collection cycles are too frequent, a collection frequency of 4
hours/time or more is recommended
Check signal quality, poor signal and frequent dropouts and
uplinks will accelerate power consumption
Periodically check the installation of the terminal for any loose or
displaced measurement points
Deploy the terminal in a suitable location with reference to the
operating temperature range and protection class
Replace the battery in case of a low battery alarm