User's Manual

Use Redial Book options
Using the redial book options, you can add a number to
phone book or delete a number in the redial book.
1. Press the Redial soft key.
2. Scroll to the desired number by using the
3. When the number appears on the display, press the
More soft key to choose the desired option:
Add to PB: allows you to add the number to the phone
book. Complete storing the entry by starting from step 4
described in part."Adding the Phone Book Entries"
(obviously, you will find the number already entered in
the appropriate field).
Delete: allows you to delete the selected number.
Delete All: allows you to delete the whole redial book.
4. To return to standby mode, press the
Note: At step 3, when you select Delete or Delete All
options, a message "Confirm ?" will further ask you to
confirm the deletion. To confirm press the Del or Del All
soft key, to escape press the Cancel soft key.