User's Manual

Eagle II GSM Radio Module Technical Manual Preliminary Draft: 08/31/00 33
Part Number: 07100017 version 00.04
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Initiating a Data Call
The default traffic channel type for the Eagle II module is for data. The following example
provides the AT command for requesting the Eagle II module to initiate a data call.
App > Eagle
AT + FCLASS = 0 Sets the traffic channel type to Data mode if the traffic
channel was previously changed to Voice mode.
(Data mode is the default traffic channel type.) Not
required if in the default mode
This command is required only if the traffic
channel type has been changed from data mode
(default) to voice mode
Eagle > App
App > Eagle
AT + CBST = 7,0,1 Sets the Bearer type to: 9600 Baud, non-Transparent
Eagle >App
App > Eagle
ATD “1234567890 AT command to dial the phone number
Eagle > App
The OK response is followed by the Connect 9600
response when the connection is completed.
App > Eagle
ATH Terminates the call
Eagle > App