User's Manual

4.3 Sample Payload Parsing Guide
1F 40 00 58 04 C6 EF 02 0A 16 03 F8
1F 41 E8 2B F4 FF F8 00 23 FC 18 08
1F 42 40 00 00 4C 09 D4 87 0D 13 5C
1F 43 DC 96 74 07 BD A8 D3 F7 31 0A
1F 44 08
Group Number: 1F
Message Count (Index + 1): 5
Note: Index is the lower nibble of the second byte of each SIGFOX message 40 -> Index 0, 41 -> Index 1, 42 ->
Index 2, etc.
Protocol Version: 00
Time Stamp: 58 04 C6 EF
1. Convert from hex to decimal: 0x5804C6EF = 1476708079
2. Open
3. Enter the seconds since epoch (Jan 1. 1970)
4. 58 04 C6 EF -> Mon, 17 Oct 2016 12:41:19 GMT
Latitude: 02 0A 16 03
1. Convert from hex to binary to check for negative value (2’s compliment format)
2. 0x020A1603 = 0010000010100001011000000011b (leading bit is zero -> positive value)
3. Convert from hex to decimal
4. 0x020A1603 = 34215427
5. Move decimal 6 places
6. 34.215427° N
Longitude: F8 E8 2B F4
1. Always check the binary conversion for a negative number (2’s compliment format)
2. 11111000111010000010101111110100= F8E82BF40x b (leading bit is 1 -> negative value)
3. Convert from binary to decimal using 2’s compliment:
4. 11111111110001011100100000101110b <-(2s compliment) -> --119002124
5. Move 6 decimal places: -119.002124 ° W
Accel X: FF F8 = 0xFFF8 = 1111111111111000b (leading bit is 1, 2s compliment for negative value) = -8mG
Accel Y: 00 23 = 0x23 = 00100011b (leading bit is 0, positive value) = 35mG
Accel Z: FC 18 = 0xFC18 = 1111110000011000b (leading bit is 1, 2’s compliment, negative value) = -1000mG
Temperature: 08 40 = 0x840 = 2,112, reference the table below for approximate temperature value
Ambient Light: 00 00 (should always read 00 00 because of enclosure 0x0000 = 0 lux
Wi-Fi BSSID 1: 4C 09 D4 87 0D 13
Wi-Fi BSSID 2: 5C DC 96 74 07 BD
Wi-Fi BSSID 3: A8 D3 F7 31 0A 08