User's Manual

8. A beeping sound will confirm the successful bond between mother tag and infant tag.
9. If more than one infant tag is to be bonded with the same mother tag, make sure that the
mother tag button is kept pressed down. Do not release the button between infant
tags*. Point the mother tag to the next infant tag to be bonded.
10. When all tags are successfully bonded with the mother tag, let go of the button on the
mother tag.
11. Attach the infant tag to the baby and give the mother tag to the mother**.
*Note: If the button is released by mistake before all tags are bonded, the process has to be started over
from the beginning and all tags need to be re-bonded. During the bonding process of multiple infant tags,
keep them about three feet from each other.
**Note: The bonding can be done either before or after attaching the tag to the infant, depending on
preference and hospital policies.
The infant tag(s) will remain bonded with the mother tag until the next bonding process, which will clear the
mother tag memory and enter new tag(s).
7. Without letting go of the button,
place the infant tag so that it is
within 12 inches of the mother tag.
The mother tag will now bond with
the infant tag.
6. Press and hold the button again.
The tag will beep and the LED will
change to flashing orange. The tag
is now in bonding mode.