Operations Manual

EXI HALO Installation & Operation Manual 981-000003-000
EXI Wireless Systems 42 March 2000
Revision 2.0
Figure 35 - Dealer "Tags" screen
The next tab selection is the “Users” screen. This allows for new Supervisors and Users to be entered.
Figure 36 - Dealer "User" Screen
The “Dealer Only” screen contains a list of all devices present on the HALO network, and allows the
addition and deletion of devices as well as the setting up of the communications parameters of the
network. The communications port default value of “COM2”, and the baud rate of “57600” bits per
second should never need to change, and are there only for future considerations.
Figure 37 - "Dealer Only" screen
8.2.2. Adding a Floor Plan
The top right of the Dealer Floor Plan screen has a Dealer Toolbar panel that allows floor plans to be
added or removed, and also enables icons for available system devices to be placed on the floor plan.