Operations Manual

EXI HALO Installation & Operation Manual 981-000003-000
EXI Wireless Systems 5 March 2000
Revision 2.0
6. Product Limitation: The Purchaser (a) acknowledges that (i) the Products and the Transponders are not,
nor can they be, guaranteed to prevent wandering patients, infant abductions, theft or any other event for
which they were purchased, (ii) the Products and Transponders are only intended to provide additional
safeguards to assist in the prevention of events such as those described in §(i), and (b) understands fully the
foregoing limitations concerning the Products and Transponders, including EXI’s limitation on liability
described in §5, and agrees to warn, and obtain acknowledgements from, all users thereof of the same.
7. No Additional Warranties: The terms and conditions herein contain all the warranties and
representations concerning EXI’s Products and Transponders and supersede all previous negotiations,
understandings, communications, representations, warranties and agreements, whether verbal or written,
concerning the Products and Transponders.
8. Deemed Acceptance: The installation or use of the Product or Transponder by or at the direction of the
Purchaser will be deemed as an acceptance by the Purchaser of the terms hereof.
9. Governing Law: The warranty herein will be governed by the domestic laws of the Province of British
Columbia, Canada and the Purchaser hereby attorns to the exclusive jurisdiction of the laws of British
Columbia. The provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of
Goods is hereby excluded.