User Manual

PS/2 Adapter
What is a Razer?
razer sharpens the edGe of speed, precision and sensitivity: it's a
revolutionary step in the evolution of Game controllers. EnGineered with
kärna precision, the razer BoomslanG 1000 and 2000 are Genre-defininG
weapons that make for penetratinG, explosive Gameplay.
kärna precision* is the exclusive focused light beam encoding technology
that lends Razer products their extraordinary accuracy and sensitivity. In
other words, it places the Razer Boomslang 1000 and the Boomslang 2000 at the
top of the food chain: either one can eat the average mouse for lunch.
Unprecedented Sensitivity
The Razer Boomslang 1000
Functioning as high as 1000 dpi, its ultra sensitivity cracks the threshold
of responsiveness. Razer requires very little movement to cover a lot of
ground. Increase the sensitivity gradually as you grow accustomed to Razer's
feel; opponents will be flattened before they know what hit them.
The Razer Boomslang 2000
Just like the Boomslang 1000, only better. In fact, twice as sensitive.
Reaching up to 2000 dpi, it pushes the envelope of responsiveness to
extreme-sensitivity status. The question is: are you up for this kind of
sensitivity training?
Ambidextrous Ergo-Design
Levels the playing field for right and left-handed players. Razer is symmetric
al, and its even-handed design lets you configure either thumb button and
customize the remaining buttons. Back in the day, right-handed players had
the advantage; not anymore.
As for comfort, the Boomslang requires so little movement, there's a much
lower risk of developing repetitive stress conditions. Its heightened
sensitivity also translates into less wear & tear, as well as less frequent
Togg* Scroll Wheel-45 dots per rotation
Makes for awesome responsiveness. Cover more ground faster and more precisely
with 45 dpr-twice the precision of the standard mouse's 18 dpr.
Lets you switch sensitivity on the fly-in the heat of battle, or in the
midst of a contest.
(Kind of like having a change-up pitch.)  Adjust instantly for different
situations, games, opponents.