Installation Instructions

Safety instructions
and precautions 29
Installation 31
Connection schedule –
ISO plug 33
Connection schedule -
Cinch 34
ISO socket pin assignment 35
Port A (power supply) ....................35
Port B (loud speakers) ....................35
ISO cable connections 36
Installation instructions 37
1 Installation steps ........................37
2 Fixture of the xation sheet ..........37
3 Removing of the transport screws .38
4 Fixture of the installation frame ....38
5 Connecting the unit .....................39
6 Fixture of the unit .......................39
7 Attaching the faceplate ................40
Deinstallation instructions 41
1 Preparation of instruments ..........41
2 Loosening of the xation nut ........41
3 Removing of the faceplate ............42
4 Usage of the extraction keys ........42
5 Loosening of the unit ...................43
6 Removing of the unit ...................43
7 Removing of the installation
accessories ...................................44
Rear view camera 45
Please note ...................................45
Connecting the camera ...................45
Wheel remote control 46
Connecting the wheel remote control 46
Instance image of the CAN bus ........46
Connecting the cables ....................46
Common solutions 47
Disposal of an old unit 51
Disposal of the battery 51