Installation Instructions

Wheel remote control
Wheel remote control
Connecting the wheel remote
To connect the wheel remote control
please consult the manual of your
For connection of the wheel
remote control you will need a CAN
bus adapter appropriate for your
vehicle. This could be provided from
your local specialist supplier.
Please let a professional technici-
an install the wheel remote control in
your vehicle. The incorrect installation
may cause serious defects of the unit
and of the vehicle electronics.
The damages caused by an inappro-
priate installation are not covered
by warranty.
Instance image of the CAN bus
Connecting the cables
» "Key 1" (+) with "Can high" (+)
» "Key 2" (+) with "Can low" (+)
» "Ground" (-) with "Ground" (-)
Connection advices
» "Key 1" and Key 2" could be interch-
anged if required.
» Under no circumstances (+) and (-)
may be connected with each other.
» Depending on CAN bus type it is
possible that only one of the (+)-
cables should be connected.
» Function test: Please press one of
the buttons on the remote control – the
assigned sensor key in the adjustment
menu (wheel control) should light up.