Operation Manual

8 HMT 362
First Steps
The device is equipped with the Android operating system. The name derives from the Greek word
"androide", which means as much as "human-like" and is increasingly being used as an operating
system for mobile devices such as smartphones , netbooks and tablet pcs . Android was a Linux-
based open source operating system developed by the Open Handset Alliance , which is composed
of a variety of large companies , software developers and handset manufacturers and their main
member is the company Google.
Android itself does not have its own support. In order to get support you log into the different Google
Groups , use the internal support forum and the online documentation. However, there are many
websites , forums and communities that deal specifically with the extensive functions of Android and
the developer problems.
Because the operating system is very complex, only the basic features and key programs are
explained in this manual.
The desktop consists of freely configurable surfaces on which single program shortcuts or mini-
applications (widgets ) can be stored . By Swipe left or right to reach the next surface. Return to the
default desktop you always by clicking on the icon in the toolbar.
An overview of all programs stored on the system they can reach by clicking the icon at the
right bottom of the screen .Each displayed in the program overview icons can be linked to the
desktop by holding the desired icon down for long