User's Manual

Table Of Contents
68 Motion Computing LE1600 and LS800 Tablet PC User Guide
8. Take your device for a spin. You can now begin using your Bluetooth
Important Steps to Take If the Device Is Not Discovered
If the Tablet PC fails to detect the Bluetooth device after what you consider a
reasonable number of attempts, try the following:
• Make sure the Bluetooth LED is flashing. If not, open the Motion
Dashboard and enable the Bluetooth Wireless radio button.
• Make sure the device you are adding is discoverable. There are
several things you need to check:
• Install new or fully charged batteries in the Bluetooth device; make
sure these are installed correctly
• For keyboards, mice, printers, etc., read the instructions that came
with the device or visit the device manufacturer’s website for
information and other troubleshooting tips. Some devices have a
button to press or a series of keys to press to make it discoverable.
• Also with keyboards, mice, printers, etc., be sure that when you go
through the Add Bluetooth Device Wizard that you place a
checkmark beside “My device is set up and ready to be found.”
• For Tablet PCs transferring files, both Tablet PCs must turn on the
device transfer wizard, although only the receiving Tablet PC needs
to be discoverable. Tap the Bluetooth icon and then either “Send a
file” or “Receive a file.” When you do this, discovery is automatically
turned on for the receiving device.
• Also for Tablet PCs, you need to enable “Allow Bluetooth devices to
connect to this computer” to connect to keyboards, mice, printers,
etc. While this is the default, make sure that this setting has not been
changed. You find this by right-clicking the Bluetooth icon > Show
Bluetooth Devices > Options.
• When you open the Bluetooth Devices tab, only the connected
devices will be displayed. Other devices are only displayed when
you add a device using the Bluetooth Device Wizard.