User's Manual

XC6 User’s Handbook 66
A Troubleshooting
Table 7 contains solutions to some problems. If you cannot solve the
problem by taking the actions described, contact your local help desk or
your reseller for further assistance.
Table 7 Troubleshooting
Problem Possible cause and solution
Computer will not start. The battery may be defective or discharged to a critically low level.
Connect an external power supply (such as the AC adapter) or
install a charged battery. See “Using the battery on page 48.
Internal components may be above or below the acceptable operating
range (below -20° C or above 60° C). After the temperature returns to
safe operating range the computer will start.
The computer will not resume
operation after being suspended.
The battery may be defective or discharged to a critically low level.
When the battery reaches a critically low level, the computer is forced
into Sleep mode to avoid a total system power failure. Connect an
external power supply (such as the AC adapter) or install a charged
battery. See “Using the battery on page 48.
The computer may be at the critical thermal limit. To avoid damage to
heat-sensitive components, the computer enters Sleep mode when the
computer operates above 60° C. Operation automatically resumes
when the computer cools to below 60° C. Move the computer to a cooler
The Status LED is red, continuous. The computer is on, running under battery power, and the charge level
in the battery has reached a critical level. Plug the computer into an
AC/DC power source or install a charged battery.
The system has encountered a fault and is preventing normal
operation. Contact your local help desk.
The Status LED is red, blinking. The computer is powered on, running under battery power, and the
charge level in the battery is at a minimum warning level. Plug the
computer into an AC/DC power source or install a charged battery.