Product Information

If Xplore provides you with either a replacement or refund or if you reject the goods, you immediately
transfer ownership in the original Xplore Product or part to Xplore. Any such resolution by Xplore of a
claim under this Warranty by you does not otherwise detract from any other statutory rights which
you might have in the circumstances, including your right to monetary compensation for a valid
claim. If, following receipt of a claim under this Warranty, Xplore or its agent determine that your
claim in respect of a Xplore Product is invalid, Xplore my charge you for any labor, parts or transport
costs incurred by Xplore or its agent in assessing your claim.
Software and data
You should make periodic backup copies of the data stored on your hard drive or other storage
devices as a precaution against possible failures, alteration, or loss of the data. Before returning any
unit for service, be sure to back up data and remove any confidential, proprietary, or personal
information. This limited warranty does not extend to damage to, loss of, or disclosure of any
programs, data, or removable storage media, or the restoration or reinstallation of any programs or
data other than software installed by Xplore when the product is manufactured.
Warranty exclusions
This section identifies what is excluded under this Warranty.
For the avoidance of any doubt, all warranties or conditions which are not guaranteed under
Mandatory Laws and which are not expressly included in this Warranty as additional warranties or
conditions are excluded.
This Warranty does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Xplore Product, which is
affected by system configuration, software, applications your data and operator control of the
system, among other factors. Though the Xplore Product is compatible with many systems, it is your
responsibility to determine compatibility and integration with other products or systems.
This Warranty does not apply to non-Xplore hardware products or non-Xplore software products
which are not incorporated into Xplore Products or, in the case of software, preloaded onto the
Xplore Product at the time of sale, even if packaged or sold with Xplore hardware.
This warranty does not cover:
Any Xplore Product from which the serial number has been removed or altered;
Normal wear and tear, natural performance degradation (e.g. reduced battery life), or service
costs in replacing and maintaining expendable/ consumable parts which have ceased working
through normal wear and tear;
Cosmetic damage, such as to the exterior finish;
Minor imperfections within design specification that do not materially alter functionality;
Damage or non-functionality that results from (i) failure to follow the instructions that came
with the product; (ii) accident, misuse, abuse, or other external causes; (iii) operation outside
the usage parameters stated in the then current user documentation for the product; or (iv) use
of parts not manufactured or sold by Xplore
Damage or non-functionality due to modifications or service by anyone other than (i) Xplore, (ii)
a Xplore authorized service provider, or (iii) your own installation of end-user replaceable Xplore
or Xplore-approved parts; or
o Loss caused by fire, water (liquid spillage or ingression), theft, vermin, or insect infestation.