User's Handbook

Appendix C. Glossary
Reset. The act of hard stopping/shutting down the operating system.
Resolution. The number of pixels displayed on the screen. A higher
resolution provides greater clarity and allows more information to be
displayed on the screen at once.
Restart. Resetting a computer without turning it off (also called
warm boot or soft reset).
Resume. The act of returning the computer to an active, operational
Read Only Memory (ROM). The portion of your computer’s
memory that contains permanent instructions, and which cannot be
Solid State Drive. a data storage device that uses solid-state memory to store persistent data.
An SSD emulates a hard disk drive interface, thus easily replacing it in the iX104C5.
Status Indicator (LED). a light above the LCD screen which
indicates the current status of a particular device or hardware
Stylus. A writing instrument. For pen computers, the stylus is used to
interface with the LCD and digitizer.
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). A smart card inside a GSM
(Global System for Mobile communications) cellular device that
encrypts voice and data transmissions and stores data about the
specific user so that the user can be identified and authenticated by
the network supplying the phone service. A SIM can be moved from
one device to another and/or different SIMS can be inserted into any
GSM radio.
Suspend mode. A power conservation mode in which electrical
current is removed from most components of the computer.
Universal Serial Bus (USB). A serial interface that enables
communication between devices and the computer.
iX104C5 User’s Handbook