Installation Instructions

Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows
Appendix F Performing a Site Survey
Forcing the Client Adapter to Reassociate
Step 4 When you click the Stop button or when the Percent Complete reaches 100%, the active mode changes
back to the passive mode.
Step 5 Click OK or Cancel to exit the site survey application.
Forcing the Client Adapter to Reassociate
The client adapter will attempt to maintain its association to an access point for as long as it can.
Therefore if you are on a fringe area while conducting a site survey, you may want to reinitialize (or
restart) the client adapter in an attempt to force it to disassociate from the access point to which it is
currently associated and reassociate to another access point.
Note Restarting the client adapter may cause you to lose your wireless network connection.
Follow the steps below to attempt to force the client adapter to disassociate from its current access point
and reassociate to another during a site survey.
Step 1 Click the Restart Card button on the bottom of the Site Survey screen.
Step 2 When prompted to confirm your decision, click Yes. The driver stops the client adapters radio, writes
the configuration (although no parameter settings have been changed), and restarts the radio.
Percent Successful The percentage of packets that were transmitted successfully.
The Percent Successful histogram provides a visual interpretation
of the percentage of packets that are not lost. The value you set
for the Percent Success Threshold is indicated by the red line.
Percentages greater than or equal to this value are displayed as
green bars; percentages below this value are displayed as yellow
Note Refer to the Percent Success Threshold parameter in
Table F-2 for more information.
Lost to Target The number of packets that were not transmitted successfully to
the access point.
Lost to Source The number of packets that were not received successfully from
the access point.
Table F-3 Site Survey Active Mode Statistics (continued)
Statistic Description