User's Guide

Table Of Contents
6 iX104 User’s Handbook
Important safety information
Before you use the iX104 or the iX104 dock, read these safety
instructions and the operation instructions in this handbook.
Failure to observe all these instructions voids the Limited Warranty and
may lead to suspension or denial of services to the offender, or legal
action, or both.
Follow any special regulations governing the use of the computer and, if
radio-enabled, always switch it off in areas where radio devices are forbidden
or when the radio device can cause interference or danger.
Always follow any safety laws and regulations pertaining to the use of cell
phones and two-way radios, because these laws and regulations typically
apply to the use of the wireless-enabled iX104.
Observe all restrictions on the use of radio equipment in fuel depots (fuel
storage and distribution areas), chemical plants, and wherever blasting
operations are in progress or in any area in which restrictions on radio
transmissions are imposed.
Switch off the iX104 when in an aircraft. The iX104 is not FAA-approved for
use on aircraft. The effect of the use of the iX104 in aircraft is unknown.
Using the iX104 in an aircraft may affect aircraft instrumentation,
communication, and performance; may disrupt the network; and may be
Operating the wireless-enabled iX104 may interfere with the functioning of
inadequately protected medical devices such as pacemakers. Consult a
physician or the manufacturer of the medical device if you have any
Radio signals from your iX104 will not affect the operation of most modern
equipment, but certain electronic equipment, including automotive systems,
may not be shielded against radio signals from your iX104. Check with the
manufacturer of your motor vehicle or the manufacturer’s representative to
determine whether using the iX104 will present any safety issues.
Avoid using the iX104 in any environment that requires your full attention,
such as when driving a vehicle. If you need to use your iX104 while driving,
have a passenger use it for you or find a safe location to halt your vehicle.