User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Appendix A. Troubleshooting
iX104 User’s Handbook 83
Headphone or speaker volume is
too low.
The volume may be in Mute mode or set too low. Follow the
instructions in “Adjusting headphone or speaker volume” on
page 50.
Make sure the volume control in your audio software is set to
an audible level.
An external device is not working
with the computer.
The device may need to be enabled in the computer’s
configuration program (BIOS Setup). Contact your local help
desk or reseller.
The Status LED is red, continuous. The computer is on, running under battery power, and the
charge level in the battery has reached a critical level. Plug
the computer into an AC/DC power source or install a
charged battery.
The system has encountered a fault and is preventing
normal operation. Contact your local help desk.
The Status LED is red, blinking. The computer is powered on, running under battery power,
and the charge level in the battery is at a minimum warning
level. Plug the computer into an AC/DC power source or install
a charged battery.
Table 8 Troubleshooting (continued)
Problem Possible cause and solution