User's Manual

Document MV0319P.N
© Xsens Technologies B.V.
MVN User Manual
23 Synchronization with Third Party Devices
23.1 The Hardware
MVN BIOMECH Awinda uses the Awinda Station for synchronization.
From MVN Studio 4.1 and onwards, a Sync Station is provided with MVN BIOMECH for synchronization
purposes. Details on initializing the synchronization of MVN are provided in Section 7.2.14. The purpose
of this section is to provide some in-depth information about the synchronization possibilities.
The Awinda Station was originally created as a wireless master to control the Xsens MTw kit. The
Awinda Station and Sync Station were created specifically for the biomechanics market, where
synchronization with third party devices is an essential aspect of biomechanics research. For this reason
these Stations are equipped with 4 BNC connectors, two for receiving TTL pulses (Sync IN) and two for
sending TTL pulses (Sync OUT).
The hardware clock of the Awinda Station is very accurate. As an indication of the clock accuracy, the
error in the Awinda Station’s clock has a maximum of 1 µs every second (1 ppm). Therefore, in general,
the recommended scenario is that users relying on very tightly coupled synchronization use MVN
BIOMECH Awinda, and use it with the Sync Out settings.
With MVN BIOMECH Link, there is additional hardware making synchronization possible, this is software
synchronization. It is essential that the user understands that software controlled synchronization can
lead to undefinable latencies between button click in the software and reception of this signal.
Note that to synchronize with third party devices, BNC connectors are required at the Awinda Station or
Sync Station side. Since there are a multitude of system-specific connectors for third party systems,
Xsens does not provide the cables or connectors. Please contact the respective third party providers or
user manuals for details their hardware requirements.
23.1.1 Important note when receiving 5V synchronization pulses
On the back of the Awinda and Sync Stations are four BNC ports, two Sync In ports and two Sync Out.
The ports have been configured to send (Sync Out) or receive (Sync In) TTL pulses 0-3.3V.
This 3.3V is s lower than the voltage sent by some devices, which will be synchronized with the MVN
System. These other devices are based on 5V TTL levels. For this reason it is advised to separately
purchase (from eg Farnell) a 3.3 - 5V / 5V - 3.3V SMD level translator. This will prevent damage to the
SyncIn ports of the Awinda or Sync Station when receiving 5V pulses from third party systems. In general
sending a 3.3V pulse from an Awinda or Sync Station SyncOut port is fine. Therefore unless a threshold
of 5V of the third party system is required, in which case the 3.3V-5V SMD level translator will be