User's Manual

Document MV0319P.N
© Xsens Technologies B.V.
MVN User Manual
8.1.1 Offline Body Dimensions
In order to facilitate data collections, body dimensions can be measured and input into MVN Studio
without connecting an MVN suit through the ‘Offline Body Dimensions’. This feature allows users to
save body dimensions as an MVNA file prior to instrumenting a subject. Later, when the system is
connected, the file can be loaded again from the Body Dimensions panel.
To access the Offline Body Dimensions window, simply go to Options >Preferences >Miscellaneous
>Offline Body Dimensions.
Table 4: Measurements needed for Subject Dimension Input
Body height
Ground to top of head when standing upright
Foot size
Top of shoe nose to end of the heel
Arm span
Top of right fingers to top of left fingers in T-pose
Hip height
Ground to most lateral bony prominence of greater trochanter
Knee height
Ground to lateral epicondyle on the femoral bone
Ankle height
Ground to distal tip of lateral malleolus
Hip width
Right to left anterior sup. iliac spine
Shoulder width
Right to left distal tip of acromion (acromial angle)
Shoe sole thickness
Average thickness of the sole of the used shoes.
This value will add an offset to the ankle height.