User's Manual

Document MV0319P.N
© Xsens Technologies B.V.
MVN User Manual
9.6 Network Streamer
The network streamer sends the poses of the active window (playback or real-time), both UDP and TCP
are supported by the network streamer. The UDP Protocol is unidirectional, and contrary to TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol, RFC 793) it is stateless and does not require the receiver to answer
incoming packets. This allows greater speed.
You can use a network monitor on another or same PC to receive this stream, or write your own receiver
in another application.
Change network streaming settings in Options >Preferences >Miscellaneous >Network Streamer.
To enable streaming, activate the ‘Enable network streaming’ checkbox. The receiving network address
can be entered in ‘Destination addresses’. Use ‘localhost’ to send/receive on the same computer. UDP
is the default protocol. To stream using TCP, it is important to specify this in the destination address, for
example: tcp:// or tcp://localhost:9763.
It is possible to stream to multiple destination addresses.
Figure 42: Network streaming preferences