User's Manual

Document MV0319P.N
© Xsens Technologies B.V.
MVN User Manual
The sensor data is simply a list of the names of segments measured with the MT’s:
< sensor label ="Pelvis"/>
< sensor label ="Head"/>
< sensor label ="RightShoulder"/>
The “joints” section is a list of the names of joints contained and the segments and connections a given
<joint label= jLeftHip”>
<connector1>Pelvis/jLeftHip </connector1>
<connector2>LeftUpperLeg/jLeftHip </connector2>
The frames section is opened with the segment, sensor and joint count. The data of all parameters are
contained within this section, including the calibration pose data.
<frames segmentCount= “…” sensorCount= “…” jointCount= “…”>
<frame … >
The frame type “tpose” and “npose” sections describe the positions and rotations of all segments during
respective calibration poses. All kinematic data is expressed in the global coordinate system:
<frame time="0" index="-2" tc="00:00:00:00" ms="0" type="tpose">
Following this, the frames are split into time; each frame increment is equivalent to ([frame no. /update
rate]*1000 [ms]). So at 120Hz, frame 1 is denoted by ([1/120]*1000) = 8.3[ms]. Frames measured during
a normal session are denoted with type = “normal”.
The index attribute still contains the original frame number.
The optional “tc” and “ms” attributes contain the TimeCode values, i.e. the absolute real time at which
that specific frame was recorded (often used to synchronize and combine this recording with other data
that was gathered at the same time).