User's Manual

On files/folders list, touch to search audio or video or picture or other files; touch to
create new folder; touch to view the Option Menu.
10.2. Option Menu
On files or folders directory interface, press [Menu] to display option menu, perform the following:
Select file or folder: Select files or folders.
Show/Hide hidden files: Show or hide the hidden files.
Sort: You can choose the order of the files in the order of type, name, type, time.
10.3. Long Press Options
On files/folders list, choose and long press a file or folder to display its options menu, perform the
Share: Share this file by Bluetooth or Email.
Copy: Copy this file or folder.
Delete: Delete this file or folder.
Cut: Cut this file or folder.
Rename: Rename this file or folder.
Details: View the properties of this file or folder.
Select All: Select all the files and folders (on) in the current interface.
10.4. Open / Play
If there are some pictures & audio & video & other file formats in a folder. Choose and touch one of
them, perform the following operations:
Picture file: View the picture.
Audio file: Play the audio file.
Video file: Play the video file.
Apk file: Install or replace this *.apk file.
Other format: Unable to open the file of other format(s).
11. FM Radio
On Main menu, enter FM Radio interface, insert headsetthen you can listen to FM radio.
Prompt: When the battery of your cell is insufficient, you may not run FM Radio.
12. Gallery
On Main menu, enter Gallery. Touch to switch into Camera interface.
Long press a folder, operate the following:
Share: Share picture folder(s) by Messaging or Bluetooth or Email.
Delete: Delete the chosen folder(s).
Details: View the details of the chosen folder.
12.1. Photos
In the folders list, choose and touch a photo folder to enter, slide from left to right to view pictures
list. Touch a picture or photo to enter its view.