User's Manual

Portable Router
PAGE 28 OF 44
¾ MAC Filter: Enable or Disable MAC filtering function.
¾ MAC Filter Mode: Only Deny means can not access to Internet, Only Allow means
can access to Internet.
¾ MAC Address: This is the PC’ s MAC address which is controlled by the rule, its
format is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (X is any hexadecimal digit), like this: 00:12:34:43:32:22.
¾ Username: This is the description about the PC, For example: Lucky’ s PC.
¾ Enable: The status of this entry either enabled or disabled.
To add/modify a MAC filter entry:
For example:
If you want to Deny the PCs with MAC Address 00:14:78:12:23:34 to access the Internet,
you can configure as follows:
1. Enable the “MAC Filter”.
2. Specify the MAC Address Mode as “Only Deny”.
3. Enter the appropriate MAC Address and Username, and then choose the “enable”
4. Click the Add To List button to add the entry.
5. Click the Save button to save the entry.
Other configurations for the entries:
Click the Update This Entry button to update the entry (you must select the entry first).
Click the Delete This Entry button to delete the entry.
Click the Delete All Entry button to delete all the entries.