User's Manual

Port Forwarding
The UPnP Setup of camera show a method of Port Forwardingsee page 40 for details), but some routers
maybe can’t support UPnP Port Forwarding, therefore, users need to configure Port Forwarding manually.
Firewall security features built into the router may prevent users from accessing the camera over the Internet.
The router connects to the Internet over a series of “ports”. The default ports used by the camera are usually
blocked from access over the Internet, therefore, these ports need to be made accessible. This is achieved
using the Port Forwarding function on the router. The ports used by the camera must be opened through the
router for remote access to your camera. Check your router’s user manual for specific instructions on how to
open and route ports on you router.
Important: Some ISPs block access to port 80 and other commonly used Internet ports. Check with your
ISP in order to open the appropriate ports. If your ISP does not pass traffic on port 80, you will need to
change the camera’s default port number from 80 to a different number such as 9000.
Viewing Your Camera
To access the camera from a computer on your local network, simply enter the IP Address of the Camera
followed by a colon and the camera’s port number. It is not necessary to enter the colon and port number if
you are using the camera’s default port 80.
To access the camera from the internet, type the external IP Address of the router, followed by a colon, and
the port number of your camera (e.g., Http://