Operating Manual

MIC Jack
This modular jack accepts microphone voice input,
as well as scanning and PTT (Push To Talk) control
from the microphone. Specified microphone imped-
ance is 500 - 600 Ohms.
POWER Switch
This is the main on/off switch for the VX-1700. Press
and hold this switch for one second to toggle the
transceivers power on and off.
Selector Knob
The Channel selector knob selects memory channels,
and tunes the VFO at a rate of 30 steps per revolution.
ALARM Button
Pressing this button activates the alarm generator, with
the alarm tone emanating from the speaker (receiver
audio is muted, and no transmission occurs). To trans-
mit the alarm tone, press both the
and the
button (described next).
2182 Button
Pressing this button places the VX-1700 in the “Emer-
gency Channel” mode, with the following results:
(A) The transceiver is instantly set to 2182 kHz in the
H3E mode,
(B) The “EMRG” notation appears on the LCD dis-
play, indicating Emergency Channel Operation.
VOL Knob
This control adjusts the receiver audio volume from
the speaker. Clockwise rotation of this control in-
creases the volume level.
SQL Knob
This control may be used silence the receiver when
no signals are being received. Clockwise rotation of
this control cause the receiver to respond only to pro-
gressively stronger signals; conversely, counter-clock-
wise rotation of this control allows progressively
weaker signals to be heard.
When a signal or noise breaks through the squelch
“threshold,” the “ ” icon on the display will be
P1 - P4 Keys
These four keys functions can be customized, via pro-
gramming by your Vertex Standard dealer. The fac-
tory defaults are shown below.
P1 Key: Press this key to tune the receiver frequency
downward without changing the transmit
frequency (Clarifier function).
P2 Key: Toggles the Key Lockout feature “on” and
P3 Key: Press this key to tune the receiver frequency
upward without changing the transmit fre-
quency (Clarifier function).
P4 Key: Turns the internal speaker (or external
speaker, if used) “on” and “off.”
These 12 keys are used for both frequency entry and/
or certain operational commands.
LCD Display
This multi function LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) in-
cludes frequency readout or Alpha/Numeric “Tag”
labeling of the channel in use, plus a Signal Strength/
Power Output meter, and icons which provide visual
confirmation of transceiver status.
The internal speaker is located here.
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: K6610511070/IC ID: 511B-10511070