Operation Manual

FT-252 OperaTing Manual60
Set Mode Item 35
Function: Selects the Smart Search Sweep mode.
Available Values: SINGLE/CONT
Default: SINGLE
SINGLE: The transceiver sweeps the current band once in each direction, starting on
the current frequency. All channels where activity is present (up to 15 in each
direction) are loaded into the Smart Search memories. Whether or not all 31
memories are lled, the search stops after one sweep in each direction.
CONT: The transceiver makes a sweep in each direction as with the “SINGLE”
mode, but if all 31 channels are not lled after the rst sweep, the radio con-
tinues sweeping until they are all lled.
Set Mode Item 36
Function: Selects the Memory Scan channel-selection mode.
Available Values: ONLY/MEM
Default: MEM
ONLY: The scanner will only scan channels that are agged (Preferential Scan List).
MEM: The scanner will “skip” the agged channels during scanning.
Set Mode Item 37
Function: Enables/Disables the Scan lamp while paused.
Available Values: ON/OFF
Default: ON
Set Mode Item 38
Function: Selects the Memory Scan “Skip” channel-selection mode.
Available Values: OFF/SKIP/ONLY
Default: OFF
SKIP: The scanner will “skip” the agged channels during scanning.
ONLY: The scanner will only scan channels that are agged (Preferential Scan List).
OFF: All memory channels will be scanned (the “ag” will be ignored).
Set Mode Item 39
Function: Enables/Disables split CTCSS/DCS coding.
Available Values: SPL.OFF/SPL. ON
Default: SPL.OFF
When this Set Mode Item is set to “SPL. ON,” you will see the following additional pa-
rameters after the “DCS” parameter while conguring Set Mode Item 40:
D: DCS Encode only.
T DCS: Encodes a CTCSS tone and Decodes a DCS code.
D TSQL: Encodes a DCS code and Decodes a CTCSS tone.
Select the desired operating mode from the selections shown above.
honbun_130313.indd 60 2013/03/13 19:48:12