Operation Manual

Introduction .............................................................. 1
Quick Guide ............................................................. 2
Controls & Connections ......................................... 3
Transceiver ............................................................... 3
The Keypad Functions .............................................. 5
Display ...................................................................... 6
Safety Precautions
Be Sure to Read
) ................... 8
About this manual ................................................. 11
Supplied Accessories and Options ..................... 11
Supplied Accessories ............................................. 11
Available Options .................................................... 11
Preparation ............................................................. 12
Installing the Antenna ............................................. 12
Attaching the Belt Clip ............................................ 12
Installing the Battery Pack ...................................... 12
Removing the Battery Pack .................................... 12
Charging the Battery Pack .................................... 13
Charging the Battery Pack using the Battery Charger
.... 13
Charging the Battery Pack using the Rapid Charger
... 13
External Power Supply .......................................... 13
Connecting an External Power Supply for Use in Vehicle
... 13
Connecting to an External Power Supply Using a Power Cable
... 13
Operation ................................................................ 14
Turning the Transceiver ON .................................... 14
Adjusting the Volume Level .................................... 14
Adjusting the squelch setting ................................. 15
Selecting a Frequency Band .................................. 15
Tuning to a Frequency ............................................ 15
Changing the Frequency Step ............................ 15
Selecting the Communication Mode ...................... 16
Using AMS
Automatic Mode Select
function .... 16
Fixing the Communication Mode ......................... 17
Transmission ........................................................... 17
Changing the Transmission Power Level ............... 18
Locking Keys and DIAL knob ................................. 18
Programmable key function .................................... 18
Using the convenient Digital C4FM feature ........ 19
About the Digital Group ID
feature ........... 19
Communicating with the DG-ID feature ................. 19
Setting the transmit and receive DG-ID number to
“00” for communicating with all other stations
using C4FM digital mode
... 19
Communicating only with the specific members
by setting the DG-ID number except for “00”
... 20
About the GM
Group Monitor
feature ................... 21
Displaying the information of the other
station received by GM
Group Monitor
.... 22
Repeater Operation ............................................... 23
Communicating Via the Repeater .......................... 23
Tone Calling
1750 Hz burst tone
) .......................... 23
Using the Memory ................................................. 24
Registering to Memory Channels ........................... 25
Recalling a Memory Channel ................................. 25
Clearing Memories ................................................. 26
Recalling the Home Channels ................................ 26
Changing the Home Channel Frequency ............... 26
Split Memory ........................................................... 26
Using Memory Tag .................................................. 26
Using Memory Bank ............................................... 26
Scanning Function ................................................ 27
VFO Scan ................................................................ 27
Memory Channel Scanning .................................... 27
Setting the Receive Operation When Scanning Stops
... 28
Weather Alert Scan (USA version only) .................. 28
Skip Memory Channel and Specified Memory Channel
... 29
Programmable Memory scan
) ...................... 29
Dual Receive
feature ..................................... 29
Using the WIRES-X Function ................................ 30
WIRES-X feature .................................................... 30
Connecting to a WIRES-X node
in the C4FM mode (*Recommended) ... 30
Connect and communicate with WIRES-X in analog mode
... 33
Disconnecting from the node or room ................. 33
Convenient Functions ........................................... 34
Tone squelch feature .............................................. 34
Digital Code squelch
feature ....................... 34
feature .................................. 34
Digital Personal ID
feature ........................ 34
Using Set Mode ...................................................... 35
Display and Key Lamp Dimmer .............................. 35
Changing the Beep Volume .................................... 35
Automatic Power OFF
) ................................. 35
Time Out Timer
) ............................................ 35
Busy Channel Lock-Out
) ............................ 35
Receiver Battery Save Function ............................. 35
Password Feature ................................................... 35
Tables of Set Mode Operations .............................. 36
Restoring to Defaults
) ............................... 38
All Reset .............................................................. 38
Set Mode Reset .................................................. 38
Specifications ........................................................ 39