Quick Start Guide

01V96i Quick Start Guide
There are nine FADER MODE keys to the left of the LCD.
[HOME] is the normal mode for the faders. Pressing the [HOME] key will show various METER pages on the LCD, so
input, output, and Effect channels can be metered.
The AUX 1-8 keys select one of the Aux Send levels to be edited by the faders, instead of the normal channel level. You can
also see the Aux Send levels on the LCD, represented either by rotary pots or by bar-graphs. Pre and Post Fade settings can
only be edited on the LCD, by using the cursor keys and the [ENTER] key. By pressing the [ENTER] key while the cursor
is over an Aux Send rotary pot, the Aux Send will be switched Off/On.
Pressing [HOME] again will always return the faders to show the channel fader level.