Owner's manual

Before Using Basics Section AppendixGetting Started Reference
01X Owner’s Manual
Pairing was specified, but the signal phase
does not match.
•Even when channels are paired,
the phase setting is not linked.
................................ page 102
Automation (Automix) cannot be stopped.
parameter been set to correctly?
............................... page 88
Can’t use the internal effects.
•Effect BYPASS may be turned ON......................... page 102
Are the level of STEREO IN 1, 2 faders raised?........ page 99
EFFECT PATCH may be set to
insertion (each channel).
......................................... page 102
It is not possible to insert one effect
into multiple channels.
........................................... page 102
019. HQ. Pitch can be used only with EFFECT 1.
When the sampling rate is 96kHz/88.2kH, only Effect 1 can be
Can’t use SOLO.
The channel may be set to Solo Safe......................... page 96
Fader groups and mute groups don’t work.
In the Fader Group page and Mute Group page,
check that grouping is set to ENABLE.
.................. page 101
The pitch is wrong.
Is the 01X operating on the same sampling frequency
as the synchronized external device?
......... page 92, “Connecting a Computer to an mLAN
device via mLAN” (Installation Guide), “mLAN Con-
nection Settings” (Graphic Patchbay Online Manual)
Is the master device operating in a stable way?
Is an effect such as HQ.Pitch or
Dual Pitch selected? ............................................... page 102
The layer of 17-24 (mLAN9-16) cannot be
When the sampling rate is set to 96kHz/88.2kHz,
the layer of 17 – 24 (mLAN) can not be selected. ..... page 40
Cannot edit with Studio Manager.
been set correctly?
.................................................... page 94
Is Port 4 (Studio Manager) selected for
Studio Manager data transmission/reception?
.......................... Studio Manager Owner’s Manual (PDF)
The Remote Control or Automation
features do not work.
Is the correct DAW software selected in Remote Select?
........ page 87, “Demo playback/Remote Control Setup”
(Installation Guide)
Are the mLAN settings correct?
.........“Demo playback/Remote Control Setup”
(Installation Guide)
Are settings on the DAW correct?
.........page 87, “Demo playback/Remote Control Setup”
(Installation Guide)
Is Port 1 selected for mLAN MIDI transmission/reception?
.........page 87, “Demo playback/Remote Control Setup”
(Installation Guide)
Cannot change the wordclock.
Set this with the mLAN Auto Connector or
Graphic Patchbay when using mLAN.
.........“Connecting a Computer to an mLAN device via
mLAN” (Installation Guide), “Wordclock Settings”
(Graphic Patchbay Online Manual)
Is the mLAN Auto Wordclock (AUTO W.CLK)
setting appropriate?
.........“Connecting a Computer to an mLAN device via
mLAN” (Installation Guide)
The mLAN connection does not work.
Has the driver been installed? .................... Installation Guide
Is the mLAN cable properly connected? Check the connec-
tion; disconnect the mLAN cable once, then insert it again.
•(For Windows) Is mLAN set to “ON”? From the taskbar,
right click on the mLAN Manager icon.
.........“Confirming the installation” (Installation Guide)
•(For Windows) When adding a new IEEE 1394 card, right click
on the mLAN Manager icon in the taskbar and select “ON.”.
.........“Confirming the installation” (Installation Guide)
Is the ACTIVE lamp on the rear panel of the 01X lit (in blue)?
If it is not lit, check the followings:
In mLAN Driver Setup (from taskbar, right click on the mLAN
Manager icon, then “Driver Setup”), is the Status indicator
blue? If not, restart the 01X and re-enable connection by using
mLAN Auto Connector or Graphic Patchbay.
.........“Confirming the installation” (Installation Guide),
Graphic Patchbay Online Manual
Is mLAN AUTO W.CLK (Auto Wordclock)
on the 01X set to “ENABLE”?
.........“Connecting a Computer to an mLAN device via
mLAN” (Installation Guide)
Has connection been enabled with mLAN
Auto Connector or Graphic Patchbay?
Re-enable connection if necessary.
.........“Connecting the Computer and mLAN devices via
mLAN” (Installation Guide), “mLAN Connection
Settings” (Graphic Patchbay Online Manual)
•Have you changed the device? Even if the model is the same,
if the actual device is different, it is necessary to re-enable con-
nection by using mLAN Auto Connector or Graphic Patchbay.
.........“Connecting the Computer and mLAN devices via
mLAN” (Installation Guide), “mLAN Connection
Settings” (Graphic Patchbay Online Manual)
Is there a loop connection? Check the cabling and make sure
none of the devices are connected in a loop.
: IEEE 1394-equipped device
Example of loop connection