Owner`s manual

104 Internal Effects
Digital Recording Console 02R Users Guide
Program 19 — EARLY REF.2
This is a variation on program 18. It produces a thicker sound.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Type S-Hall
Same as program 18 Same as program 18
RoomSize 2.0
Liveness 7
Diff. 7
Ini.Dly 4.8ms
ER Num. 15
Hi.Ratio 0.8
FB.Gain 0%
LPF 11.0kHz
Program 20 — GATE REVERB
Simulates a gate reverb effect by using the EARLY REFLECTION program.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Type Type-B Type-A, Type-B Type of reflections
RoomSize 1.9 0.1~20.0 Time interval between the early reflections.
Liveness 8 0~10 Rate at which reflected sounds fade or decay.
Diff. 7 0~10 Reverb diffusion.
Ini.Dly 0.1ms 0.1~200.0ms Initial delay between the direct sound and early reflections.
ER Num. 15 1~15 Number of early reflections.
Hi.Ratio 0.8 0.1~1.0 High frequency decay ratio.
FB.Gain 0% –99 ~ +99% Feedback gain. The amount of signal returned to the effect.
LPF 12.0kHz 1.0kHz~THRU Low pass filter cutoff frequency.
HPF THRU THRU~8.0kHz High pass filter cutoff frequency.
Program 21 — REVERSE GATE
This is a variation on program 20. It creates somewhat strange, reversed gate reverb sound.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Type Type-A
Same as program 20 Same as program 20
RoomSize 2.8
Liveness 8
Diff. 5
Ini.Dly 0.1ms
ER Num. 15
Hi.Ratio 0.8
FB.Gain 0%
LPF 12.0kHz