Owner`s manual

110 Chapter 11—Common Channel Functions
02R96 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Attenuating Signals
Input Channels, Bus Outs, Aux Sends, and the Stereo Out all feature pre-EQ attenuation,
which is useful for attenuating “hot” signals before EQ’ing.
1 Use the EQUALIZER [DISPLAY] button to select the Attenuator pages.
The Attenuator parameters for the 56 Input Channels are arranged into three pages. The
Input Channel 1–24 Attenuator/Shifter page is shown below. The layout of the other two
pages is the same.
The attenuator parameters for the Output Channels appear on the Output Attenuator page.
2 Use the cursor buttons to select the channels, and use the Parameter wheel
or INC/DEC buttons to set the amount of attenuation.
Input and Output Channels can also be selected by using the LAYER and [SEL] buttons.
You can copy the currently selected Input or Output Channel attenuation setting to all
Input or Output Channels respectively by double-clicking the [ENTER] button.
For Input Channels, you can also set the amount of attenuation in bits from +2 bits to –24
bits. Use the cursor buttons to select the bit shift parameters, and use the Parameter wheel
or INC/DEC buttons to set them. The rotary attenuators and the bit shift parameters can
be set independently.
You can set the attenuator parameters for individual Input and Output Channels on the
Input Attenuator and Output Attenuator pages, regardless of paired channels. The changes
made on the Attenuator pages, along with the level balance between channels, will be
reflected in the settings in the SELECTED CHANNEL section, in the EQUALIZER [ATT]
controls, and on the EQ Edit page.