Owner`s manual

146 Chapter 13—Libraries
02R96 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Effects Library
Effects settings can be stored in the Effects library, which contains 61 preset memories and
67 user memories. Preset memories are read-only. User memories enable you to store cus-
tom settings. See page 153 for information on using the Effects.
1 Use the EFFECTS/PLUG-INS [DISPLAY] button to select the Effect Library
2 Press the EFFECTS/PLUG-INS [INTERNAL EFFECTS] button, and use the
EFFECTS/PLUG-INS [1–4] buttons to select the internal effects processors.
When storing, the settings of the currently selected internal effects processor, indicated in
the upper-left corner, are stored to the selected memory.
EFFECT NAME: This is the name of the previously recalled Effects memory.
TYPE: This is the effects type used in the previously recalled Effects memory. Its I/O con-
figuration is shown below this.
EDIT: Pressing this button, then the [ENTER] button, displays the Effects Edit page, which
enables you to adjust the Effects parameters. See “Editing Effects” on page 156 for more
PATCH: Pressing this button, then the [ENTER] button, displays the Effects Input Patch
page, which enables you to patch internal Effects processor inputs and outputs. See “Patch-
ing Effects Inputs and Outputs on page 67 for more information.
Level meters: These meters indicate the input and output levels of the currently selected
Effects processor. Use the IN and OUT buttons to switch between input level and output
level. There are eight meters for Effects processors #1, and two meters for Effects processors
#2 through #4.
EFFECT TYPE: This is the effects type in the selected memory. Its I/O configuration is
shown below this.
For details on the Store, Recall, Title Edit, and Clear functions, see “General Library Oper-
ation on page 143.