Owner`s manual

166 Chapter 15—Scene Memories
02R96 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Fading Scenes
Fade times can be specified for individual Input Channels, Bus Outs, Aux Sends, Stereo Out,
and the Group Master. The fade time determines the time it takes the Input and Output
Channel faders to move to their new positions when a Scene is recalled. Fade time settings
can be specified for each Scene individually.
1 Use the SCENE MEMORY [DISPLAY] button to locate a Fade Time page.
The Fade Time parameters for the 56 Input Channels are divided between two pages. The
Input Channel 1–48 Fade time page is shown below. The layout of the other page is the
The Fade Time parameters for the Output Channels appear on the Output Fade Time page.
2 Use the cursor buttons or [SEL] buttons to select the individual Fade Time
parameters, and use the Parameter wheel or INC/DEC buttons to set them.
You can copy the currently selected Input or Output Channel Fade Time setting to all Input
or Output Channels respectively by double-clicking the [ENTER] button. If the Input or
Output Group Master is selected, you can copy the setting to all Input or Output Channel
Group Master channels.
The Long name of the channel whose Fade Time parameter is currently selected appears in
the upper-right corner of the page. When a channel is selected by using the [SEL] buttons,
its Long name also appears in the upper-right corner of the display.
The Fade Time can be set from 0 to 30 seconds in 0.1 second steps.
You can reset all Input Channel Fade Time parameters to zero by selecting the ALL INPUT
CLEAR buttons, then pressing the [ENTER] button. You can reset all Output Channel Fade
Time parameters to zero by selecting the [ALL CLEAR] buttons, then pressing the [ENTER]