Owner`s manual

280 Appendix A: Parameter Lists
02R96 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
COMP 5.1
Six input, six output compressor for 5.1 surround, with individual solo for each band, and gain
reduction metering of left and right (L+R), left surround and right surround (LS+RS), center (C),
or LFE channels.
Six input, six output compander for 5.1 surround, with individual solo for each band, and gain
reduction metering of left and right (L+R), left surround and right surround (LS+RS), center (C),
or LFE channels.
Other preset effects (COMP276, COMP276S, COMP260, COMP260S, EQUALIZER601, OPEN-
Effects. For more information on these effects, refer to the Owner’s Manual that comes with the
Add-On Effects package.
Parameter Range Description
LOW GAIN –96.0 to +12.0 dB Low band level
MID GAIN –96.0 to +12.0 dB Mid band level
HI. GAIN –96.0 to +12.0 dB High band level
PRESENCE –10 to +10
For positive values, the threshold of the high band is lowered and the
threshold of the low band is increased. For negative values, the oppo-
site will occur. When set to 0, all three bands are affected the same.
THRE –24.0 dB to 0.0 dB Compressor threshold
RATIO 1:1 to :1 Compressor ratio
ATTACK 0–120 ms Attack
1. 6.0 ms–46.0 s (fs=44.1 kHz), 5.0 ms–42.3 s (fs=48 kHz), 3 ms–23.0 s (fs=88.2 kHz), 3 ms–21.1 s (fs=96 kHz)
Expander release time
KNEE 0–5 Compressor knee
LOOKUP 0.0–100.0 ms Lookup delay
2. 5.1: key-in of all inputs are linked. 5.0: key-in of the L, C, R, LS, and RS are linked (LFE is independent). 3+2: key-in
of L, C, and R are linked, and LS and RS are linked. 2+2: key-in of L and R are linked, and LS and RS are linked.
Key-in linking
L–M XOVR 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz Low/mid crossover frequency
M–H XOVR 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz Mid/high crossover frequency
SLOPE –6 dB, –12 dB Filter slope
CEILING –6.0 dB to 0.0 dB, OFF Specifies the maximum output level
Parameter Range Description
LOW GAIN –96.0 to +12.0 dB Low band level
MID GAIN –96.0 to +12.0 dB Mid band level
HI. GAIN –96.0 to +12.0 dB High band level
PRESENCE –10 to +10
For positive values, the threshold of the high band is lowered and the
threshold of the low band is increased. For negative values, the oppo-
site will occur. When set to 0, all three bands are affected the same.
THRE –24.0 dB to 0.0 dB Compressor threshold
RATIO 1:1 to 20:1 Compressor ratio
ATTACK 0–120 ms Compressor attack
WIDTH 1–90 dB Width before the expander operates
TYPE Soft, Hard Compander type
LOOKUP 0.0–100.0 ms Lookup delay
1. 5.1: key-in of all inputs are linked. 5.0: key-in of the L, C, R, LS, and RS are linked (LFE is independent). 3+2: key-in
of L, C, and R are linked, and LS and RS are linked. 2+2: key-in of L and R are linked, and LS and RS are linked.
Key-in linking
L–M XOVR 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz Low/mid crossover frequency
M–H XOVR 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz Mid/high crossover frequency
SLOPE –6 dB, –12 dB Filter slope
CEILING –6.0 dB to 0.0 dB, OFF Specifies the maximum output level