Operation Manual

Apéndice C: MIDI
02R96 Version 2—Manual de Instrucciones
13.4.9 Parameter request (Patch data)
If [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the Device
Number included in the SUB STATUS, these messages are received. If [Pa-
rameter change ECHO] is ON, these messages are echoed.
When this is received, the value of the specified parameter will be transmit-
ted as a Parameter change.
13.4.10 Parameter change (Setup memory)
If [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the Device
Number included in the SUB STATUS, these messages are received. If [Pa-
rameter change ECHO] is ON, these messages are echoed.
When this is received, the specified parameter will be controlled.
13.4.11 Parameter request (Setup memory)
If [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the Device
Number included in the SUB STATUS, these messages are received. If [Pa-
rameter change ECHO] is ON, these messages are echoed.
When this is received, the value of the specified parameter will be transmit-
ted as a Parameter change.
13.4.12 Parameter change (Backup memory)
If [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the Device
Number included in the SUB STATUS, these messages are received. If [Pa-
rameter change ECHO] is ON, these messages are echoed.
When this is received, the specified parameter will be controlled.
13.4.13 Parameter request (Backup memory)
If [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the Device
Number included in the SUB STATUS, these messages are received. If [Pa-
rameter change ECHO] is ON, these messages are echoed.
When this is received, the value of the specified parameter will be transmit-
ted as a Parameter change.
13.4.14 Parameter change
(Function call Library: store / recall)
If [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the Device
Number included in the SUB STATUS, these messages are received. If [Pa-
rameter change ECHO] is ON, these messages are echoed.
When this is received, the specified memory/library will be stored/recalled.
If [Parameter change ECHO] is ON, this message will be retransmitted
without change.
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture's ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E
MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 00001011 0B
ADDRESS 00000010 02
Patch data
0eeeeeee ee
Element no. (If ‘ee’ is 0, ‘ee’ is expanded
to two bytes)
0ppppppp pp
Parameter no.
0ccccccc cc
Channel no.
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture's ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E
MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 00001011 0B
ADDRESS 00000011 03
Setup data
0eeeeeee ee
Element no. (If ‘ee’ is 0, ‘ee’ is expanded
to two bytes)
0ppppppp pp
Parameter no.
0ccccccc cc
Channel no.
DATA 0ddddddd dd
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture's ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E
MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 00001011 0B
ADDRESS 00000011 03
Setup data
0eeeeeee ee
Element no. (If ‘ee’ is 0, ‘ee’ is expanded
to two bytes)
0ppppppp pp
Parameter no.
0ccccccc cc
Channel no.
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture's ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E
MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 00001011 0B
ADDRESS 00000100 04
Backup data
0eeeeeee ee
Element no. (If ‘ee’ is 0, ‘ee’ is expanded
to two bytes)
0ppppppp pp
Parameter no.
0ccccccc cc
Channel no.
DATA 0ddddddd dd
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture's ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E
MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 00001011 0B
ADDRESS 00000100 04
Backup data
0eeeeeee ee
Element no. (If ‘ee’ is 0, ‘ee’ is expanded
to two bytes)
0ppppppp pp
Parameter no.
0ccccccc cc
Channel no.
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture's ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
GROUP ID 00111110 3E
MODEL ID (digital mixer)
MODEL ID 01111111 7F
ADDRESS 00010000 10
Function call
00ffffff ff
0mmmmmmm mh
number High
0mmmmmmm ml
number Low
DATA 0ccccccc ch
channel High
0ccccccc cl
channel Low
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
function number channel*1) rx/tx
SCENE RECALL 0x00 0-99, 8192 256 rx/tx*2)
EQ LIB RECALL 0x01 1-200, 8192 0-513 rx/tx
GATE LIB RECALL 0x02 1-128, 8192 0-95 rx/tx
COMP LIB RECALL 0x03 1-128, 8192 0-513 rx/tx
EFF LIB RECALL 0x04 1-128, 8192 0-3 rx/tx
CHANNEL LIB RECALL 0x06 0-128, 8192 0-513 rx/tx
INPATCH LIB RECALL 0x07 0-32, 8192 256 rx/tx
OUTPATCH LIB RECALL 0x08 0-32, 8192 256 rx/tx
Bus to Stereo LIB RECALL 0x09 0-32, 8192 256 rx/tx
Surround Monitor LIB RECALL 0x0A 0-32, 8192 256 rx/tx
AUTOMIX LIB RECALL 0x0B 1-16 256 rx/tx
SCENE STORE 0x20 1-99 256, 16383 rx/tx
EQ LIB STORE 0x21 41-200 0-513, 16383 rx/tx
GATE LIB STORE 0x22 5-128 0-95, 16383
COMP LIB STORE 0x23 37-128 0-513, 16383 rx/tx
EFF LIB STORE 0x24 xx*3)-128 0-3, 16383 rx/tx
CHANNEL LIB STORE 0x26 2-128 0-513, 16383 rx/tx
INPATCH LIB STORE 0x27 1-32 256, 16383 rx/tx
OUTPATCH LIB STORE 0x28 1-32 256, 16383 rx/tx