Owner's Manual

108 Chapter 11—Common Channel Functions
02R96 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Metering Input Channels
There are two types of Input Channel Meter page: 24-channel and 48-channel.
There are three 24-channel Meter pages. The Input Channel 1–24 Meter page is shown
below. The layout of the other two pages is the same. These pages feature two level meters
for each Input Channel. When Input Channels are vertically paired, both meters operate.
When Input Channels are horizontally paired, only the left-hand meter operates.
GATE GR: The meters indicate the gain reduction being applied by the Gate.
COMP GR: The meters indicate the gain reduction being applied by the Compressor.
There are two 48-channel Meter pages. The Input Channel 1–48 Meter page is shown below.
The layout of the other page is the same.