Owner's Manual

Group Master for the Output Channel Faders 127
02R96 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Group Master for the Output Channel Faders
The 02R96 also features a Fader Group Master function that enables you to control the level
of all channels using the Group Master level while maintaining the balance between the
channels, much like a VCA Group on an analog mixing console. While this function is
enabled, channel fader operation will not affect the channel levels of the corresponding
Fader group.
1 Follow Steps 1–4 as described in the “Grouping Output Channel Faders” sec-
tion on the previous page, select the Output Fader Master check box, then
press the [ENTER] button to check or uncheck the Output Fader Master check
2 When the Output Fader Master check box is checked, you can set the channel
levels of the Fader groups in the Master column.
When the Master column is selected, repeatedly pressing the [ENTER] button turns the
Output Fader Group on and off.
You can also make these settings in the Output Fader Group Master page, as shown below.
3 Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [GROUP] button to locate the Output Fader Group
Master page.
4 Use the cursor buttons to select the parameters, then use the Parameter
wheel, INC/DEC buttons or [ENTER] button to set them.
OUTPUT FADER MASTER: When this check box is checked, you can set the master lev-
els for the Output Fader groups. The resultant Output Channel level equals the correspond-
ing Output Channel fader level plus the Group master level.
ALL NOMINAL: This button resets the master levels for all Output Fader groups to nom-
ON/OFF: This turns each Output Fader group on or off, like a VCA mute on an analog
mixing console.
Faders: These faders adjust the master levels of the Fader groups. Fader knobs appear
highlighted when faders are set to 0.0 dB. Press the [ENTER] button to set the cur-
rently-selected fader to 0.0 dB.
You can also control the Fader Master function from the channel strips on the control sur-
face as described below by using the User Assignable Layer of the Remote Layers. See
page 228 for information on the User Assignable Layer.
Encoders: The Encoders are not available.
[AUTO] buttons: These buttons are used to control the Fader Group Master On/Off and
the master level during Automix.