Owner's Manual

Studio Monitoring 137
02R96 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Control Room Setup
Control room monitoring is configured on the Control Room Setup page.
1 Use the MONITOR [DISPLAY] button to locate the Control Room Setup page.
2 Use the cursor buttons to select the ASSIGN buttons in the left-hand box,
and use the Parameter wheel to select an Output Channel in the right-hand
Bus Outs or Aux Sends can be assigned to the [ASSIGN 1] and [ASSIGN 2] buttons.
3 Press [ENTER] to assign the selected Output Channel.
Once assigned, the selected Output Channel appears highlighted in the right-hand box.
The other parameters on this page are as follows.
CONTROL ROOM DIMMER LEVEL: This determines the amount of attenuation
applied to the Control Room Monitor and Surround Monitor signals by the Dimmer func-
tion. Use the cursor buttons to select it, and use the Parameter wheel or INC/DEC buttons
to set it from.
MONO: This button is be used to switch the Control Room Monitor signal into mono.
Studio Monitoring
The STUDIO MONITOR OUT uses balanced 1/4-inch phone jacks,
nominal level +4 dB. Typically it’s used to feed monitoring systems in the
actual studio.
The Studio Monitor signal source is selected by using the STUDIO but-
[CONTROL ROOM]: Selects the Control Room Monitor.
[STEREO]: Selects the Stereo Out.
[AUX 7]: Selects Aux Send #7.
[AUX 8]: Selects Aux Send #8.
The level of the Studio Monitor signal can be set by using the STUDIO LEVEL