Owner's Manual

158 Chapter 14—Internal Effects & Plug-Ins
02R96 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
As of January 2004, the following Add-On Effect packages are available:
AE011 Channel Strip Package
AE021 Master Strip Package
AE031 Reverb Package
Additional packages will be released in the future. Visit the Yamaha web site for the latest
About Plug-Ins
There are two types of Plug-Ins: Waves Plug-Ins and User Defined Plug-Ins. Waves Plug-Ins
are available on Y56K cards, which need to be installed in the 02R96’s mini YGDAI Slots
(Slots 3 and 4 only). See your Yamaha dealer for details. User Defined Plug-Ins can be used
to control up to 32 user definable parameters via MIDI Control Change or Parameter
Change messages on an external MIDI device, such as an external effects processor. Plug-In
parameters can be controlled by using the four Parameter controls below the display.
Plug-In parameter settings are stored in Scenes, for snapshot-style automation.
When installing Y56K cards, mini YGDAI Slots 3 and 4 correspond to Plug-Ins 3 and 4, so
if you install, for example, a Y56K card in Slot #4, it’s automatically configured as Plug-In
#4. 02R96 signals are patched through to the Y56K card’s effect chains just like any other sig-
nal is patched through to a Slot Input or Output. Slot Outputs (i.e., effect chain inputs) can
be fed from the Bus Outs, Aux Sends, Stereo Out, or the Input and Output Channel Insert
Outs. Slot Inputs (i.e., effect chain outputs) can be fed to the Input Channels, or the Input
and Output Channel Insert Ins. See “Input & Output Patching” on page 66.
Settings for Y56K cards are stored in memory on the card when you store a Scene, and
recalled automatically during Scene recall. Please note, however, that these settings cannot
be stored in 02R96 Scenes. Therefore, the cards do not support Scene memory global paste,
sort, sort, and other scene related functions.
Note: Y56K cards use Scenes #1–#96. If you store or recall Scenes #97 and up, the Y56K card
settings will not reflect the Scenes. (A warning message will appear.)