Owner's Manual

184 Chapter 16—Automix
02R96 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
When faders are grouped with the Fader Group Master function turned off, if the OVER-
WRITE FADER button is on, pressing an [AUTO] button, or touching the fader knob of any
fader in the group (if TOUCH SENSE on the Fader Edit page is on) puts all the correspond-
ing channels into Record mode and all the [AUTO] button indicators light up red. The same
applies to Mute (OVERWRITE ON button) and EQ (OVERWRITE EQ button) groups.
Playing Back an Automix
So long as the Automix function is enabled, the Automix function will chase the incoming
timecode and play and stop the current Automix accordingly. Playback stops automatically
when the end of the Automix data is reached. Playback can be stopped manually by pressing
the STOP or ABORT button on the Automix Main or Memory page. Playback will stop
automatically if no timecode is received for a while, for example, if the timecode source is
disconnected or turned off.
If the timecode source is set to internal, use the PLAY button on the Automix Main or Mem-
ory page to start Automix playback, and the STOP button to stop it.
You can disable Automix playback on individual channels by using the channel strip
[AUTO] buttons. During playback, the [AUTO] button indicators appear green. When
Automix playback for an individual channel is disabled, its [AUTO] button indicator goes
During playback, faders move in accordance with recorded Fader events (so long as the cor-
responding Layer and Fader mode is selected). Fader movement can be disabled by turning
off the fader motors (see page 175). Fader events can be viewed on the Fader Edit pages (see
page 175).
Other events are displayed by the display pages and button indicators. Recorded events of
the currently selected channel are displayed by the SELECTED CHANNEL section controls
and displays.
Warning: If the effects type is different to that which was used when the effects parameter edits
were recorded, the parameter edits will not be played back. However, they are not deleted.
When you rerecord effects parameter edits, it’s recommended that you delete the existing effects
events offline. See “Editing Events Offline” on page 185 for more information.