Owner's Manual

Selecting Layers 47
02R96 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Selecting Layers
Input and Output Channels are arranged into Layers, as illustrated below. There are four
Layers altogether: two Input Channel Layers, a Master Layer (or Output Layer), and a
Remote Layer.
To select Input and Output Channels for editing with the channel strip
controls, you use the LAYER buttons to select a Layer.
The LAYER button indicator for the currently selected Layer lights up.
The currently selected Layer determines the function of the channel
strip Encoders, [AUTO] buttons, [SEL] buttons, [SOLO] buttons,
[ON] buttons
, and faders. For example, when Layer 1–24 is selected,
[SEL] button #1 controls Input Channel #1. When Layer 25–48 is
selected, it controls Input Channel #25. And when the Master Layer is
selected, it controls Input Channel #49.
The following table shows which Input and Output Channels are controlled by the channel
strips on each Layer.
The exact function of each channel strip fader and Encoder also depends on the currently
selected Fader mode and Encoder mode respectively. See “Selecting Fader Modes on
page 49 and “Selecting Encoder Modes” on page 50 for more information.
Channel Strips
1–8 9–16 17–24
Input Channels 1–24
Input Channels 25–48
Input Channels 49–56 Aux Send masters 1–8 Bus Out masters 1–8
Operation depends on the selected target.
See “About the Remote Layer” on page 219 for more information.
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87654321 910111213141516 1718192021222324
87654321 910111213141516 1718192021222324
Input Channels [1–24]
Input Channels [25–48]
Input Channels 49–56, Aux Sends, Bus Outs [MASTER]