User Manual

The virtual sound field can be moved by using the mouse to drag the
center point (control handle) of the circle that indicates the virtual sound
field. It can also be enlarged or reduced by pressing the arrow keys []
[] [] [] on the keyboard while holding down the button on the mouse.
The virtual sound field can be rotated by using the mouse to drag the
center point (control handle) of the straight line that extends to the virtual
front-center speaker from center of the circle that indicates the field. It can
also be rotated to the right by pressing the [] [] arrow keys on the
keyboard while holding down the button on the mouse, and to the left by
pressing the [] [] arrow keys while pressing the mouse button.
This can be changed only if the Parameter View is [EDIT].
[VIEW] Button
Switches between displaying and hiding the virtual speakers in Field Scope.
3 Parameter
Enlarges or reduces the overall size of the virtual sound field.
You can change this value by double clicking in the number display section of the Field Rotation window, then typing a
number from the keyboard, or by dragging vertically with the mouse.
In the Generic Editor window and console, the [RADIUS] knob can be used to change the current data. The [RADI KY1]
knob can be used to change KEY 1, and the [RADI KY2] knob can be used for KEY 2.
Changes the aspect ratio (vertical and horizontal proportions) of the virtual sound field.
You can change this value by double clicking in the number display section of the Field Rotation window, then typing a
number from the keyboard, or by dragging vertically with the mouse.
In the Generic Editor window and console, the [R.RATIO] knob can be used to change the current data. The [RRAT KY1]
knob can be used to change KEY 1, and the [RRAT KY2] knob can be used for KEY 2.