User Manual

02R Applications 7
Yamaha 02R & 03D Applications Guide
To see the version number of a DA-88, hold down the REW, F FWD, and STOP buttons
when powering up the DA-88.
Akai DR8 & DR16
When a track is armed for recording, the DR8 or DR16 will normally try to take its
wordclock source from that track’s input. To prevent this, in the Digi submenu set Auto
Sync to Off. Note that the Auto Sync setting is not memorized when the DR8 or DR16 is
turned off, although it can be stored as part of a project.
02R Optional Interface Cards
To interface the 02R with digital multitrack equipment, optional interface cards are
required. Up to four single-size interface cards can be installed in the 02R.
In the system diagrams presented in this guide, interface cards are numbered from
. These numbers refer to the 02R slot in which the card is installed. The following
illustration shows an interface card that is installed in 02R slot
Available Cards
The following table lists the available interface cards.
a. Double size requires two slots.
b. Single size requires one slot.
The following table shows how the inputs and outputs available at each slot correspond with
the 02R inputs and outputs.
c. Use the Routing display to select Bus Out or Direct Out.
Model Description Size Slots
CD8-AE Digital I/O Card (AES/EBU)
(max 2 cards—16 ch)
CD8-AE-S Digital I/O Card (AES/EBU)
(max 4 cards—32 ch)
CD8-AT Digital I/O Card (ADAT) Single
(max 4 cards—32 ch)
CD8-AD AD/DA Card Double
(max 2 cards—16 ch)
CD8-CS KIT Digital Cascade Kit Single Any (normally
CD8-TDII Digital I/O Card (TDIF-1) Single
(max 4 cards—32 ch)
CD8-Y Digital I/O Card (Yamaha) Single
(max 4 cards—32 ch)
Slot Input Output
Tape In 1–8
BUS 1–8, AUX 1–6, Direct OUT of
Mic/Line 1–8, STEREO L/R
Tape In 9–16
BUS 1–8, AUX 1–6, Direct OUT of
Mic/Line 9–16, STEREO L/R
Mic/Line 1–8 BUS 1–8, AUX 1–6, STEREO L/R
Mic/Line 9–16 BUS 1–8, AUX 1–6, STEREO L/R