User Manual

38 02R Applications
Yamaha 02R & 03D Applications Guide
02R with Akai DR16 Hard Disk Recorder
This application shows how the 02R can be used with an Akai DR16 Hard Disk Recorder to
create a 24-input, 16-track digital recording system. The 16 digital tape returns and 24
Mic/Line inputs provide up to 40 inputs at mixdown. In addition, the 02Rs built-in
automation and scene memory systems provide both dynamic and static mix automation
referenced to timecode.
The DR16 is a 16-track hard disk recorder featuring 8-track recording and 16-track
playback. The ADAT (IB804AEX) interface card provides eight digital inputs and 16 digital
The ADAT (CD8-AT) cards must be screwed securely in place. Do not leave the screws
out after installation as the cards will not be grounded correctly.
The DR16 is fitted with the following options: ADAT (IB804AEX) interface card and
MIDI (IB803M) interface card.
The Digital In/Out connectors on the 02R and DR16 are connected together using
Optical Cables.
The DR16 digital output connected to Slot [1] of the 02R corresponds to tracks one
through eight, while the DR16 digital output connected to Slot [2]corresponds to tracks
nine through sixteen.
02R Wordclock Setup
The 02R works as wordclock slave. With ADAT (CD8-AT) cards installed in Slot [1] and
Slot [2], any pair of the first 16 tape inputs can be selected as the wordclock source on the
DR16 Wordclock Setup
The DR16 works as wordclock master.
When a track is armed for recording, the DR16 will normally try to take its wordclock
source from that track’s input. To prevent this, in the Digi submenu set Auto Sync to Off.
Note that the Auto Sync setting is not memorized when the DR16 is turned off, although
it can be stored as part of a project.