
nn 4D 1 28..58 CAT Pitch Control -24..+24[semitones] 40
nn 4E 1 00..7F CAT Filter Control -9600..+9450[cent] 40
nn 4F 1 00..7F CAT Amplitude Control -100..+100[%] 40
nn 50 1 00..7F CAT LFO PMod Depth 0..127 00
nn 51 1 00..7F CAT LFO FMod Depth 0..127 00
nn 52 1 00..7F CAT LFO AMod Depth 0..127 00
nn 53 Not Used
66 Not Used
nn 67 1 00..01 Portamento Switch off/on 00
nn 68 1 00..7F Portamento Time 0..127 00
nn 69 Not Used
6E Not Used
08 nn 70 1 Not Used Don’t care
nn 71 1 Not Used Don’t care
nn 72 1 00 - 7F EQ Bass (CVP-109/107/700) -64 - +63(-12 - +12[dB]) 40
nn 73 1 00 - 7F EQ Treble (CVP-109/107/700) -64 - +63(-12 - +12[dB]) 40
08 nn 74 1 Not Used Don’t care
75 1 Not Used Don’t care
76 1 04 - 28 EQ Bass frequency
32-2.0k[Hz] 0C
77 1 1C - 3A
EQ Treble frequency (CVP-109/107/700)
500-16.0k[Hz] 36
78 1 Not Used Don’t care
79 1 Not Used Don’t care
7A 1 Not Used Don’t care
7B 1 Not Used Don’t care
7C 1 Not Used Don’t care
7D 1 Not Used Don’t care
7E 1 Not Used Don’t care
7F 1 Not Used Don’t care
nn = PartNumber
If there is a Drum Voice assigned to the Part, the following parameters are ineffective.
• Bank Select LSB
• Pitch EG
• Portamento
• Soft Pedal
• Mono/Poly
• Scale Tuning
<Table 1-9 >
MIDI Parameter Change Table ( A/D Part ) (CVP-109/107/700)
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default
(H) (H) (H) value(H)
10 nn 0 1 00 - 01 Input Gain Don’t care
1 1 00 - 7F Bank Select MSB Don’t care
2 1 00 - 7F Bank Select LSB Don’t care
3 1 00 - 7F Program Nummber Don’t care
4 1 00 - 1F, 7F Rcv Channel A1 - A16, OFF
5 1 Not Used
6 1 Not Used
7 1 Not Used
8 1 Not Used
9 1 Not Used
0A 1 Not Used
0B 1 00 - 7F Volume 0 - 127
0C 1 Not Used
0D 1 Not Used
0E 1 01 - 7F Pan L63...C...R63(1...64...127)
0F 1 Not Used
10 1 Not Used
11 1 00 - 7F Dry Level 0 - 127
12 1 00 - 7F Chorus Send 0 - 127
13 1 00 - 7F Reverb Send 0 - 127
14 1 00 - 7F Variation Send 0 - 127
nn:A/D Part number (fixed 00)
Note) The A/D PART Parameter cannot be reset to its factory settings with XG SYSTEM ON or XG ALL PARAMETER RESET, there is no default value.
When a request message is received, the currently set value is always transmitted.
MIDI Data Format