User Manual

The Functions
PSR-E433 Owner’s Manual
011 Pan M.Pan
000 (left)–64 (center)–
127 (right)
Determines the stereo pan position of the Main Voice. The value
“0” results in the sound being panned full left; the value “127”
results in the sound being panned full right.
012 Reverb Depth M.Reverb 000–127 *
Determines how much of the Main Voice's signal is sent to the
Reverb effect.
013 Chorus Depth M.Chorus 000–127 *
Determines how much of the Main Voice’s signal is sent to the
Chorus effect.
014 Attack Time M.Attack 000–127 64
Determines how fast the volume of the Main Voice reaches the Attack
level when the note is pressed. The larger the value, the faster the
attack rate. The smaller the value, the slower the attack rate.
015 Release Time M.Releas 000–127 64
Determines how fast the volume of the Main Voice falls to 0 when
the note is released. The larger the value, the longer the sustain.
The smaller the value, the shorter the sustain.
Filter Cutoff
M.Cutoff 000–127 64
Determines the Filter Cutoff Frequency (page 37) of the Main Voice.
Filter Resonance
M.Reso. 000–127 64 Determines the Filter Resonance (
page 37
) of the Main Voice.
Dual Voice (page 16)
018 Dual Voice D.Voice 001–731 * Selects a Dual Voice.
019 Volume D.Volume 000–127 * Determines the volume of the Dual Voice.
020 Octave D.Octave -2 – +2 * Determines the octave range for the Dual Voice.
021 Pan D.Pan
000 (left)–64 (center)–
127 (right)
Determines the stereo pan position of the Dual Voice. A value of
“0” results in the sound being panned full left; a value of “127”
results in the sound being panned full right.
022 Reverb Depth D.Reverb 000–127 *
Determines how much of the Dual Voice’s signal is sent to the
Reverb effect.
023 Chorus Depth D.Chorus 000–127 *
Determines how much of the Dual Voice’s signal is sent to the
Chorus effect.
024 Attack Time D.Attack 000–127 64
Determines how fast the volume of the Dual Voice reaches the Attack
level when the note is pressed. The larger the value, the faster the
attack rate. The smaller the value, the slower the attack rate.
025 Release Time D.Releas 000–127 64
Determines how fast the volume of the Dual Voice falls to 0 when
the note is released. The larger the value, the longer the sustain.
The smaller the value, the shorter the sustain.
Filter Cutoff
D.Cutoff 000–127 64
Determines the Filter Cutoff Frequency (
page 37
) of the Dual
Filter Resonance
D.Reso. 000–127 64 Determines the Filter Resonance (
page 37
) of the Dual Voice.
Split Voice (page 17)
028 Split Voice S.Voice 001–731 53 (FngrBass) Selects a Split Voice.
029 Volume S.Volume 000–127 * Determines the volume of the Split Voice.
030 Octave S.Octave -2 – +2 * Determines the octave range for the Split Voice.
031 Pan S.Pan
000 (left)–64 (center)–
127 (right)
Determines the stereo pan position of the Split Voice. A value of
“0” results in the sound being panned full left; a value of “127”
results in the sound being panned full right.
032 Reverb Depth S.Reverb 000–127 *
Determines how much of the Split Voice’s signal is sent to the
Reverb effect.
033 Chorus Depth S.Chorus 000–127 *
Determines how much of the Split Voice’s signal is sent to the
Chorus effect.
034 Reverb Type Reverb 01–10 ** Refer to page 33.
035 Chorus Type Chorus 01–05 ** Refer to page 33.
036 Master EQ Type MasterEQ
Speaker, Boost, Head-
phone, Line Out1, Line
1 (Speaker) Refer to page 35.
037 Wide Type Wide 1–3 2 (Wide2)
Determines the Ultra-Wide Stereo type.
Higher values produce a greater Wide effect.
Harmony (page 19)
038 Harmony Type HarmType 01–26 * Determines the Harmony type.
039 Harmony Volume HarmVol 000–127 * Determines the volume of the Harmony effect
Arpeggio (page 20)
040 Arpeggio Type ARP Type 001–150 * Determines the Arpeggio type.
041 Arpeggio Velocity ARP Velo 1(Original), 2(Thru) *
When “Thru” is selected, the velocities of Arpeggio playback are
determined by your playing strength. When “Original” is selected,
the velocities of Arpeggio playback are determined by the original
setting regardless of your playing strength.
042 Arpeggio Quantize Quantize 1(OFF), 2(1/8), 3(1/16) * Refer to page 39.
Function Display Range/Settings Default Value Description