Owner`s manual

ma I n t e n a n c e & ca r e
1) Remove the engine stop switch
lanyard and ignition keys.
2) Put the throttle levers in the idle
position (otherwise the shift lever
will not move).
3) PushtheshiftlevertoForwardfrom
the Neutral position while a second
person observes shift gate move-
ment from outside the boat. Both
shift gates should lift completely to
the stops.
4) Pull the shift lever back from For-
ward through Neutral to Reverse.
The observer should check for
proper movement of the shift gates.
Both gates should drop down over
the nozzles to the stops.
If reverse gates do not operate smoothly
or correctly, ask your authorized Yamaha
Boat dealer for service.
An aluminum alloy anode is mounted
on each jet pump outlet on your boat.
Galvanic corrosion can damage metal
surfaces below the waterline on any
boat, particularly in saltwater. These
“sacrificial” anodes are designed to
erode in these conditions first, before
metal components of your jet pump
outlets are seriously damaged.
Inspect the anodes each time the boat
is removed from the water. It is normal
for them to look corroded and rough.
Replace the anodes when they are
approximately one half of their original
• Failure to replace anodes when
necessary can result in perma-
nent damage to the jet pump
outlets and other metal compo-
nents on the boat.
• Neverpainttheanodes.A coat-
ing of any kind will prevent
the anode from functioning,
exposing other components to
galvanic corrosion damage.