Owner`s manual

op e r a t I o n
1) Make sure no obstructions, boats
or swimmers are close to the boat.
Come to a stop before you reach
the dock.
2) Notice how wind and water currents
are affecting boat movement as
you attach your mooring lines and
3) Approach the dock at idle speed.
Use reverse as necessary during
slow speed maneuvering to help
control speed and direction. Posi-
tion the boat according to wind and
water conditions. WARNING! Do
not use your hand, arm, or other
parts of your body to try to keep
the boat from hitting the dock.
You could be injured if the boat
pushes against the dock.
Wind or Current Pushing Boat
Away from Dock:
Slowly approach the dock at about a
45° angle. Secure the bow to the dock,
then use engine thrust or a boat hook
to gently move the stern to the dock.
Wind or Current Pushing Boat
Toward Dock:
Slowly maneuver to a shallow angle
and allow the boat to move toward the
No Wind or Current:
Approach the dock at a shallow angle.
Secure the bow to the dock, then use
engine thrust or a boat hook to gently
move the stern to the dock.
Because boats steer from the stern,
the stern first moves in the direction op-
posite your desired turn. It is especially
important to understand this character-
istic when leaving a dock. If you simply
turn the wheel to steer the bow away
from the dock, as you would when driv-
ing a car out of a parking space, you
will drive the stern of the boat into the
dock. The following steps are basic
maneuvering techniques which can be
used in most circumstances:
1) With engines idling and the bow
still moored to the dock, turn the
steering wheel toward the dock.
This will start to move the stern of
the boat away from the dock.
2) When the stern is out a few feet,
release the bow mooring then steer
in the direction you want the bow to
move. Open the throttle slightly and
begin to move away from the dock.